SCI Adult Hockey League Information
Space Coast Adult Hockey League has established itself as the premier adult, non-check league in Brevard County. We have 3 seasons that run throughout the year and offer 5 divisions for many levels of play from novice to advance.
*All players must be 18 years or older with valid ID
*All players must have a valid USA Hockey registration on record before game play.
*Register online:
All new players must be approved by league commissioner Tim S. before registering for league play. Please contact him via email at to schedule an evaluation skate.
League rules can be found here.
Reasons to Choose the Space Coast Iceplex League
- $50 OFF additional League(s)
- Great Fun and Team Camaraderie
- Divisions for all levels
- Low penalty minutes
- Games are 3-14minute stop time periods
- mystatsonline software
- Playoff Championships
This is are highest level of play. With many players having college level or higher experience.
- Day Tuesday
- Date of Games
- Jan 9/ 16/ 23/ 30
- Feb 6/ 13 / 20/ 27
- Mar 5/ 12/ 19/ 26
- Apr 2/ 9/ 16/ 23/ 30
- May 7/ 14/ 21/ 28
- June 4
- League Length: 22 weeks including playoffs
- Game times: TBD
- Individual Fee: $672.00 + tax
- Payment plan available
This is a mixture of mid to high level players. Many players in this league have played youth hockey up to high school hockey.
- Day Monday and Thursday (1 overflow Silver game on Mondays)
- Date of Games
- Jan 8/11/15/18/22/25/29
- Feb 1/5/8/12/15/19/22/26/29
- Mar 4/7/11/14/18/21/25/28
- Apr 1/4/8/11/15/18/22/25/29
- May 2/6/9/13/16/20/23/27/30
- June 3/6
- League Length: 22 weeks including playoffs
- Game times: TBD
- Individual Fee: $672.00 + tax
- Payment plan available
This is one of our lower levels of play. This league is for beginners who have been playing 1+ years.
- Day Sunday
- Date of Games
- Jan 14/21/28
- Feb 4/11/18/25
- Mar 3/10/17/24/31
- Apr 7/14/21/28
- May 5/12/19/26
- June 2/9
- League Length: 19 weeks including playoffs
- Game times: TBD
- Individual Fee: $541.50 + tax
- Payment plan available
This is one of our lower levels of play. This league is for beginners who have been playing 1+ years.
- Day Sunday
- Date of Games
- Feb 4/11/18/25
- Mar 3/10/17/24/31
- Apr 7/14/21/28
- May 5/12/19/26
- June 2
- League Length: 17 weeks including playoffs
- Game times: TBD
- Individual Fee: $484.50 + tax
- Payment plan available
This is one of our higher levels of league play with many players having played in either HS or college. As the name suggest all players must be over the age of 40.
- Day Monday and Wednesday (1 over flow game on Monday)
- Date of Games
- Jan 8/10/15/17/22/24/29
- Feb 1/5/7/12/14/19/21/26/28
- Mar 4/6/11/13/18/20/25/27
- Apr 1/3/8/10/15/17/22/24/29
- May 1/6/8/13/15/20/22/27/29
- June 3/5
- League Length: 22 weeks including playoffs
- Game times: TBD
- Individual Fee: $672.00 + tax
- Payment plan available
For more information contact our Adult Hockey Director Tim Sindermann.
League Level Descriptions
Gold (Advanced): The Gold league is our highest-level of play. It is a fun, but competitive league. Most players have a minimum of 10 years of experience and many played in their youth, high school, college and semi-pro. Approval to join the league must be done by the commissioner prior to joining the league.
Silver Division (Intermediate to Advanced): The Silver League is a league designed for the hockey enthusiast. If you want great fun with a lightly competitive atmosphere this is the league for you. Approval must be done by the commissioner prior to joining the league.
40+ (All Levels): Must be 40 years of age or older. Ranges in levels of ability, but remains fairly competitive. If you want an opportunity to play with people who have similar views and testosterone levels, this is the league for you! All players must be approved by league commissioner prior to joining.
Bronze Division (Beginner): This league has been built for the novice level to hockey enthusiast that is 18 years or older. This league will help bring players to their next level of potential! Approval must be done by the commissioner prior to joining the league.
Please email Tim Sindermann for more information about our leagues and availability to join.
Space Coast Iceplex offers activities to help enhance your hockey skills and get in some practice time. Consider the following:
Stick and Puck: This is your opportunity to skate on the ice in full gear, shoot on a goalie and practice your puck-handling skills. Open to all levels of players. Sessions dates and times may vary. Please visit our website for updates.
Pick-Up Hockey: We offer Open, 40+ and Silver/Gold Pick Ups weekly. Check our website for schedules and online sign ups. Goalies scheduled by Space Coast Iceplex staff.
Special thanks to the Space Coast Iceplex Adult Hockey Sponsors:
Practice Your Skills: Space Coast Iceplex offers activities to help enhance your hockey skills and get in some practice time. Consider the following:
- Stick-Time:This is your opportunity to skate on the ice in full gear, shoot on a goalie and practice your puck-handling skills. Open to all levels of players. Sessions dates and times may vary. Please visit our website for updates.
- Pick-Up Hockey: We offer Open, 40+ and Silver/Gold Pick Ups weekly. Check our website for schedules and online sign ups. Goalies scheduled by Space Coast Iceplex staff.
Special thanks to the Space Coast Iceplex Adult Hockey Sponsors: