
General Information

Space Coast Iceplex’s goal is to eventually get every kid that starts in our Hockey Academy on to a hockey team in our in-house rec league.

Our Hockey Academy will teach players the basics of hockey to include the following skills: stick handling, passing and shooting. Skating experience is required to enroll in hockey academy. We recommend students complete a minimum of Basic 3 skating class in our skate academy. Once a player shows they have a strong handle on basic skills they will be asked to join one of our in-house teams!


Required Equipment

  • Helmet with cage or shield
  • Neck guard
  • Shoulder pads
  • Elbow pads
  • Hockey gloves
  • Hockey pants
  • Shin guards
  • Mouth guard
  • Protective cup
  • Hockey skates
  • Hockey jersey
  • Hockey stick 

We feel the kids who take classes have limited time to practice their skills at SC Iceplex so we are happy to announce public session times will be extended on class days. Not only that, rental skates and public sessions will be included on the day of your class with your paid membership and dues!  Tuesday Hockey Academy classes will start at 5PM and go until 6PM. Public session is held before class from 1PM – 4:45PM. It is a great opportunity to practice your skills before your class each Tuesday.


Classes will now be an hour in length instead of ½ hour. The reason for extending the time is the amount of time and effort it takes to gear up your kid. Additionally much more can be learned in an hour practice vs a ½ hour. Hockey Academy classes will be held at the far end of the rink near the Zamboni door. Pucks will be introduced and therefore the classes will be divided from Skating Academy by the black foam border patrol.

  • First 5 minutes will be skating warm up
  • 3 minute stretch in a circle
  • Players move to the location of their level
  • 15 minutes skating skills and drills
  • 15 minutes puck skills – passing, shooting, stick handling
  • 5 minutes moving puck drills
  • 15 minute scrimmage divided by level

Membership Program
One of the biggest changes with the new system is the “ongoing class” structure and verses the “8 week semester” system. Semesters carry with them an inherent disadvantage compared to ongoing classes. Here is a list of the benefits with our membership and monthly dues program.

  • One time registration
  • Automatically billed monthly
  • No more deadlines to sign up
  • Add or remove a Hockey Academy class or add a Skating Academy class with ease
  • Suspend or cancel a membership with ease
  • Easy to do make-ups
  • Online account management from home

Adding or Taking Away Classes

Adding or taking away a classes is done with ease. Come into the rink and fill out a simple form and your request will go into effect the following week.

Membership Suspension or Cancelation
When you are a member in good standing, once a year for $19 you may hold/suspend you membership for up to 3 months. This holding of your membership allows you to return to our Hockey Academy without having to renew a membership. Remember you can only take advantage of make-up classes and public session privileges when you are paying monthly dues. While a membership is suspended it also suspends the make-up classes and public sessions. Cancelling is easy too. In person, at the rink, fill out a cancellation form 10 days before the auto billing date and your membership will be cancelled. Credit Cards are billed the 7th of the month.


$86 Registration fee

$75 Registration fee for any immediate family member

$99 per month         1 hour class per week

There are 4 Tuesdays we do not have classes, but the payment structure is based on 12 months. Rather than charge more on an 11 month basis we charge less and dissipate it over 12 months instead.

Have Questions? Contact Our Manager For Details