Skating Academy
The Skating Academy at SCI is designed to serve the needs of both recreational and competitive skaters. The curriculum will keep skaters enthusiastic about learning from the time they begin lessons until the time they reach their goals. Our talented and diverse coaching staff are able to provide skaters with a fun and safe learning environment that encourages a goal orientated environment at all levels of skating.
The SCI Skate Academy offers a wide variety of classes from technical classes to specialty classes. Our technical classes consist of the fundamental skills that are necessary for the skater to successfully move through the sport of figure skating. Skaters will gain knowledge of the sport, enabling them to advance to more specialized areas of skating. Our specialty classes consist of classes geared specifically towards jumps, spins, footwork, edges, and more!
Class Structure
The Skating Academy runs as on going class structure which allows the skater to move at their own pace. There is an Academy Controller that is always available to assist the on ice instructors, inform parents about information pertaining to the rink, individually test skaters, assist students to the proper class, and make sure classes are running smoothly.
The Academy has a Button Reward Program in place which helps skaters and parents track their progress. Each skater will be given a button and must wear their button to every class. The buttons have the skills listed for the class the skater is taking. Once the skater has mastered a skill the coach of their class will place a sticker next to that element. When the skater has obtained stickers for all of the elements on their button they will be tested by the Controller. The Controller will take the skater aside and test them individually, if the skater passes they will receive a certificate, a new button for the next class and have their photo taken to be placed on the new wall of fame and put in our weekly emailed newsletter.
*Specialty Classes are to enhance the technical classes and do not have the sticker/button reward system.
Free Try-It Class
We offer a Free Try-It class for skaters who wish to try out our Skating Academy class before registering. For this reason, we require all participants to be a Florida resident. This class is intended to teach the basics of skating and is the perfect for first-time skaters! The class is offered one time per skater, after which we encourage you to join our Skate Academy.
Skater must NOT be previously enrolled into our skate academy. This class is intended to teach the basics of skating and is the perfect for first-time or very beginner skaters. Topics to cover – basics of safety on the ice, basic terminology and beginner skills.
Minimum age requirement – 3 years old. Skaters ages 18+, interested to enroll into SCI Skating Academy class and would like to try the class please contact Participants must wear skating appropriate clothes, socks, and gloves.
Class is every Saturday at 10:45am – 11:15am. *We take the first 20 skaters so plan to arrive early to check in.
*Public session is NOT included with Free Try-It class.
Registration and Auto Billing
Skate Academy registration is in person only. Stop by the reception desk to complete the registration paperwork.
With the new system you will only have to register once! Our auto billing system is state of the art. It is quadruple encrypted and your credit card number is never seen after it is swiped and connected to your account.
Every 7th of the month members are billed.
Class Schedule
SA 2024 Class Schedule
Mondays –
5:00pm – Advanced Spin, Basic 7/8, Basic 5/6, Basic 3/4, Basic 1/2
5:30pm – Beginner/Advanced Adult, Freestyle 1-6, Snow Plow 1-3
Tuesdays –
5:00pm – Axel/Double Jump, Basic 8, Basic 7, Basic 6, Basic 5, Basic 4, Basic 3, Hockey Academy
5:30pm – Moves In The Field, Beginner Spin, Basic 1/2, Snow Plow 1-3, Hockey Academy
Wednesdays –
5:00pm – Beginner Edge, Basic 7/8, Basic 5/6, Basic 3/4
5:30pm – Beginner Jump, Basic 1/2, Snow Plow 1-3
Saturdays –
7:15am Advanced Stroking
9:00am Axel/Double Jump, Freestyle 1-6
9:30am Advanced Spin, Beginner/Advanced Adult
10:15am Basic 6, Basic 7, Basic 8, Future Stars, Beginner Spin
10:45am Footwork, Try-It, Basic 5, Basic 4
11:15am Basic 3, Basic 2, Basic 1, Snow Plow 1-3
Specialty Class Descriptions
Advanced Spins: The advanced spins class is geared toward the skater who is working on taking their spins to the next level. The class focuses on improving basic spin positions and enhancing the ability of the skater to obtain more challenging spin positions. Skaters are expected to be level Freestyle 2 or above.
Beginner Edge Class: This on ice conditioning program will help to strengthen stroking technique, develop power, flow and proper edge control. This class is designed for the beginner freestyle skaters who wish to improve and enhance their current skating ability. Skaters must be level Basic 6 or higher.
Beginner Jumps: The beginner jump class is intended to assist the skater in learning proper take-off and landings. The focus will be on beginner jumps starting with waltz jump working through lutz jump. Skaters must be level Basic 6 or higher.
Advanced Stroking: This skating class offers skaters the opportunity to improve upon one of the most important aspects of skating: endurance. Skaters will learn advanced stroking techniques, warm-up/cool-down techniques, conditioning, heart-rate monitoring, power turns, edges, and steps. Skaters are expected to be Preliminary level Moves or higher.
Axel/Double Jump Class: The Axel/Double jump class is a figure skating class offering skater the opportunity to focus on advanced jump techniques in a group class setting. The class will include work on rotation position, take-off and landings. Skaters must be landing all single jumps and working on Axel in their private lessons.
Footwork: The footwork class is designed to teach skaters basic footwork elements and sequences. Skaters will learn how to link together steps and turns taught in previous classes. Skaters must be level Basic 6 or higher.
Beginner Spins: This specialty class is designed to teach skaters who are just starting to learn how to spin the proper entry to spins, how to spin faster with accurate positions, improve spin centering, and correct spin positions. Minimum level requirement – pass Basic 3 level in SA.
Moves In The Field: Moves in the field are skating skills test patterns created for Pre-preliminary though Senior USFS test levels that consist of progressively more difficult edge and steps patterns from lowest level up. In this class skaters will work on elements of figure skating that emphasize basic skating skills, edge control, flow, power, quickness, extension and posture. Minimum level requirement – pass Basic 8 level in SA.
* All specialty classes are intended as supplements to Skate Academy classes and Private Lessons.
Throughout each skater’s career, there will be many times they have to display their skills in front of a panel of judges. SCI holds learning the fundamentals of the sport at a very high standard. This allows for skaters to have the necessary building blocks for a strong career later in their development. When testing, the controller is looking for mastery of a skill. At this level, skaters will be given the opportunity to attempt elements more than once. Certificates will be awarded at the time a test has been passed.
Stickers for Classes and Public Sessions
In order to attend classes or use the public session privilege skater check in at the reception desk. Your account will pop up on our screen and the cashier will issue you a sticker to attend classes and or the public session. Skaters NOT be allowed on classes or public sessions WITHOUT a sticker.
Public Session and Rental Skates Included
In order to provide our skaters with ample opportunity to practice their skills, public session times will be extended on class days. Additionally, rental skates and public sessions will be included on the day of your class with your paid membership and dues! On Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays public session will go from 1:00pm to 4:45pm and classes will start at 5:00pm immediately after the Zamboni ice cut. Saturday classes will go until 11:45am and public session will start at 12:00pm noon and run until 3:00pm. It is a great opportunity to practice your skills directly before your class on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday or right after your class on Saturday. Speak with one of our professional coaching staff to set up a private lesson on the new extended publics. Nothing beats one on one attention to grasp and perfect a skill!
Registration and Auto Billing
Skate Academy registration is in person only. Stop by the reception desk to complete the registration paperwork.
With the new system you will only have to register once! Our auto billing system is state of the art. It is quadruple encrypted and your credit card number is never seen after it is swiped and connected to your account.
Every 7th of the month members are billed.
Adding or Taking Away Classes
Adding or taking away a classes is done with ease. Come into the rink and fill out a simple form and your request will go into effect within a week.
Membership Suspension or Cancelation
When you are a member in good standing, once a year for $19 you may hold/suspend you membership for up to 3 months within a twelve month period. This holding of your membership allows you to return to our Skating Academy without having to renew a membership. Remember you can only take advantage of make-up classes and public session privileges when you are paying monthly dues. While a membership is suspended it also suspends the make-up classes and publics.
Cancelling is easy too. Cancelation must be done in person at the rink. A cancelation form will need to be filled out and submitted in person before the end of the month and at least 10 days before the auto billing date and your membership will be cancelled. There are no refunds, credits or extensions given for classes not taken.
Make-Up Classes
Making up classes has never been easier. Since classes are ongoing you have up to 60 days to make up a class. If you’re sick or have another engagement one week, you can always come in on another day other than your registered class day and make up a class. You can even make up a class on one of our specialty classes if you meet the minimum level requirement. Our state of the art software allows our staff to know what class you may have missed to help you take the right make up class. It is important to note that to take advantage of make-ups you must be actively enrolled into a class and maintain you monthly dues.
Pricing Structure
Effective January 1, 2024:
$86 Registration fee
$75 Registration fee for any immediate family member
$79 per month – 1 class per week membership
$119 per month – 2 class per week membership
$142 per month – 3 class per week membership
Any additional class are $23 per month
Academy Off Dates
Every year we take four weeks OFF classes due to special events and holidays. There are no make-ups given for the days classes are not held.
Contact Information
For information regarding accounts, billing, and registration as well as information regarding classes, class selection/placement, the coaching staff, or our skating program in general please contact:
Natalia Smith
Figure Skating Director